Beardsley's Cider Mill and Orchard

278 Leavenworth Road / Route 110 Shelton, CT Phone: 203-926-1098

Crops:Apples, from mid-September to mid-October.
Season and Hours: PYO weekdays only, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; call for phone updates. Cider mill retail store is open every day, mid-September through Christmas, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Cash or check only are accepted.
Also: Watch as apples are pressed into cider. Farm store features farm-baked products, cider donuts, maple syrup, local honey, fruit butter, jams and jellies, plums, peaches.
Jones Family Farms at Valley Farm

606 Walnut Tree Hill Road Shelton, CT Phone: 203-929-8425

PYO Crops: Strawberries (June); blueberries (early July to mid-August, you need a reservation); Christmas trees (starts weekend before Thanksgiving.
Season and Hours: Call ahead for picking hours to Farmer Jones crop line at 203-929-8425. Customers also should check out the farm's Facebook page for hours and availability. Closed Thanksgiving Day and at 4 p.m. Christmas Eve.
Also: Farm has a winery, with tastings and seasonal events on the patio.
Silverman's Farm

451 Sport Hill Road Easton, CT Phone: 203-261-3306

Five-acre animal park, pumpkin patch, cornstalks, gourds, greenhouse and gifts, county market, fresh-baked pies, local honey, New England jams, sweet cider, apple dumplings, pumpkins and Christmas trees. PYO Crops: PYO raspberries, blueberries, peaches, apples (change season to late August to early November)
Season and Hours: PYO hours: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in season. Market and animal farm open seven days a week, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., early spring to December 31.
Also: When PYO apple harvest ends in later fall, weekend scenic tractor rides will begin. Enjoy a 50-mile view of the countryside from one of the highest points in southern Connecticut.
Covid info.
Farm Stand - Castle Hill Farm - Newtown, CT
Castle Hill Farm

1 Sugar Lane Newtown, CT, 06470 Phone: 203-426-5487

PYO: Pumpkins, gourds, and squash. Cut your own Christmas trees opens the weekend after Thanksgiving until Christmas Day. Main tree farm is at 5 Hattertown Road, Newtown; satellite location on corner of Sugar Lane, right after greenhouse entrance.
Also: Corn mazes, a tree farm, and private bonfires available. Farm stand, farm animal exhibit, farm-to-table dinners.
Dates & Hours: Farm Stand open July thru October, Weekends 10am - 5pm. Christmas tree farm is open Weekends starting November 26, 9am - 4:30pm. Event venue tours by appointment. Please check the website for upcoming events.
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