Evergreen Berry Farm

435 Bassett Road Watertown, CT Phone: 860-274-0825

Crops: Blueberries (July to early August); black raspberries (early to mid-July); red raspberries (early July).
Seasons and Hours:No Sunday hours; call for current hours and picking conditions or check the farm’s Facebook page. Masks required at weigh station; social distancing in field.
Averill Farm

250 Calhoun Street Washington Depot, CT Phone: 860-868-2777

PYO: Apples and pears (also picked and sold by the farm)
Season: Mid-August-Thanksgiving
Hours: PYO Hours: August 15 to Thanksgiving, daily, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; November 1-25, daily, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Also: Farm stand with cider, apple cider donuts, cut flowers, jams and jellies, pies, pumpkins, gourds, Indian corn, mums, maple syrup, honey, cheddar cheese, garlic, potatoes, some tomatoes, and gifts. After Thanksgiving, Christmas trees are sold until December 24. Any remaining apples are sold from cold storage.
Covid info.
March Farm

160 Munger Lane Bethlehem, CT Phone: 203-266-7721

Crops: Cherries (mid-June to early July); blueberries (mid-July through August); peaches (mid-July through August); apples and pumpkins (September through October).
Seasons and Hours: Farm is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day.
Also: Farm stand offers apples, peaches, tomatoes, corn, blueberries and cider from our own cider mill. On-site bakery for cider donuts, pies, and cookies. Jams, jellies, honey and maple syrup.
Blue Jay Orchards

125 Plumtrees Road Bethel, CT Phone: 203-748-0119

Crops: Apples
Seasons and Hours:PYO apples starts September 5. PLACE Check website and Facebook for info. Market opens end of August, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.
Also: Farm market opens in late August, offering apples, plums and peaches, cider, cider donuts, fresh baked pies, jams and jellies. Hayrides to the pumpkin patch; gift shop.
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Ellsworth Hill Orchard and Berry Farm

461 Cornwall Bridge Road / Route 4 Sharon, CT Phone: 860-364-0025

Crops: Strawberries and cherries, June and July; raspberries, blueberries, plus, peaches (July and August); peaches, blueberries, (August and September); apples, peaches, blueberries, pears (September and October); apples, pumpkins, gourds, pears (October and November). Download a PYO brochure on the farm website.
Seasons and Hours: June to November, daily, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Cash payment only in picking fields.
Also: Pressed apple cider available for tasting. Corn, tomatoes, vegetables, fresh baked pies, and cider donuts. Hayrides and corn maze. Vintage Lionel Interactive Train Display (open every day, but the trains run 5 to 5:30 p.m.); large crossword puzzle corn maze (with clues); open Labor Day weekend until late November; Mother Nature’s Candy Store.