
Mystic Connecticut has plenty of places for paddling canoes and kayaks

Bigelow Hollow State Park - Union, CT - Photo Credit CT DEEP
Bigelow Hollow State Park & Nipmuck State Forest

298 Bigelow Hollow Road - Route 171 Union, CT, 06076 Phone: 860-424-3200

This combined forested property just south of the Connecticut-Massachusetts border includes Mashapaug Lake and Bigelow, Breakneck, and Griggs ponds, where boating and pond fishing are done. There are boat launches at Bigelow Pond and Mashapaug Lake.
Bluff Point State Park - Groton. CT - Photo Credit CT Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
Bluff Point Coastal Reserve

Depot Road, off US Route 1 Groton, CT, 06340 Phone: 860-444-7591

Walking in wooded peninsula and along rocky coast; seabird watching; shell fishing allowed

Canoeing and kayaking are popular pastimes off the rocky coast of this reserve. There is a boat launch with parking for car-top vessels. - Park Map (PDF) - Boat Launch
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